
Welcome. This my AS Foundation Portfolio blog. Here you will find research and planning, construction evidence and evaluation for my coursework project. Peace out.

Sunday 15 April 2012

Evaluation Question 7 - Looking back at your preliminary task (the school magazine), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the main task?

Through my progression from the preliminary task to the main task, I feel as if I have learnt how to effectively design a proffessional product. I believe this because after comparing my two products I am able to see that after research I was able to identify the key features of a proffessional magazine e.g. the colour scheme, setting of photoshoots and model selection. I have also learnt how to manage my time more effectively and to meet deadlines.

Friday 13 April 2012

Evaluation Question 6 - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

From using both these software's I was able to develop my skills in using both programs which enabled me to create a magazine similar to that of a proffessional one. I believe using both programs benefited the success of my product because I think both programs were the best one to match the style of media I was creating, this is because of all the guidelines that can be inserted to aid the user, I found this very useful because I was able to use guidelines similar to that of a professional would.

Some other technologies I used to create my magazine consist of websites such as www.blogger.com to store my work. Another reason why I used blogger is because it is an easy way to access my coursework anywhere which makes it ideal to do work in various locations, Blogger is also an appropriate website to store my work on because it acts as an online journal, recording any developments I have made throughout the course and the work I produce is ordered chronologically which means the website makes my work easy to navigate and allows me to edit any old pieces of work that would normally take a long time to find.

Other software I used consists of websites such as www.goanimate.com to create a simple animation in my evaluation question 5 to show the feedback I got from people, slideshare (to convert my power points to online documents), www.Olioboard.com to create the mood board below which is to show what pieces of equipment I have used to make my products. I also used simple pieces of software such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Powerpoint. I used these because I have been familiar with these programs for a number of years meaning that my experience with these programs have developed and I am able to use them extensively and effectively. I used powerpoint to create my evaluation question 7 and 3, I did this because I believe that they were the most effective way to answer the questions. I also used www.prezi.com to answer evaluation question 1 to show the similarities and differences between my product and a professional product. Another reason I believed Prezi to be appropriate for this course because it was an effective way to plan the creation of my product e.g shooting days, shooting locations and models etc. I believe my skills have developed in using prezi because I am able to easily navigate the website and create an effective mind map. I used www.pixton.com to animate an explanation of what the production process my magazine would go through if it were to be made as a professional product, the reason I did this is because I believe the website is a fun and simple way to explain a point. The pieces of hardware I created consists of a Tripod, Mac, Camera and various props.