
Welcome. This my AS Foundation Portfolio blog. Here you will find research and planning, construction evidence and evaluation for my coursework project. Peace out.

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Flat Plans

Front Cover:
On the front cover i decided to name the magazine "Yeah!" because it indicates the simplicity the magazine has to offer and attracts the audience through the use of "!" because it makes the overall name stand out more. I also used a clash of colour's to create an unusual appeal that matches the music genre. I made the sell lines look more interesting by putting them on a tilt, this makes it catchy to the eye because of the mixture of bold vibrant colours and the unusual placing of sell lines, however through doing this I believe the sense of professionalism is lost, I think i can fix this by re-thinking the house style. For the main image I decided to use two models and leave a space for a third model, this is because I find three models to be the most appealing because it fills the page nicely, not making it too over crowded or leaving it empty and in leaving an obvious space for a third model I believe it draws the audience in because it makes them wonder as to where that model/band member is.

Contents Page:
For the contents page i decided to keep it simple so readers can navigate it easy enough, with three images in the middle and contents lists down either side I believe that this page is a near on professional styled page. I based this page off one of NME's contents pages because i believed it looked appealing due to the simplicity. I decided to use an A-Z of bands because it narrows down searches if you want to find things out about a certain band and not just the music genre overall.

Double Page Spread:
For my double page spread i found it to be one of my weak points, but i thought that maintaining a basic layout was essential so i decided to use the left hand side for images and the right hand side for the main story, however in doing this it has made the page look dull therefore revising the layout is essential for creating one accurate to a professional standard and to interest the readers of my magazine

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